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See the elements that are in Octopus 5!
The Octopus 5 Knowledge page contains the library of videos on the subject.
Octopus decided to go in another direction for its web version. Consequently, the version of Octopus 5 will be maintained for the moment, but there are no plans to do any further development in this version. This page will be updated only if additions / modifications are made in Octopus which impact version 5.
Version 4.2.740
History | Behaviour modification
When an Incident or SR is modified after creation using the form, Octopus adds an entry to the history for the field that has been modified and for the description.
In order to avoid this duplication of entries in the history, the behaviour will now be as follows:
- If the modified field has the Keep the history of changes option active, a single entry in the history will be made for the field in question.
- If the modified field has the Keep the history of changes inactive, an entry in the history will be made for the description.
History | New look for long text fields
In the past, when we looked at the modification of a long text field in the history, a tooltip appeared with the values. This made it difficult to compare the two values and copying the information was impossible.
Now when a long text field is modified, we can see the two values side by side, and if necessary copy the information.

Version 4.2.720
Octopus Boards | Open Cards Now Available
It is now possible to add a card to a table that is not linked to a request. This is called an Open card.
For more information, see TheOctopus Boards article.
Version 4.2.630
Octopus Boards | We Added Roles and Permissions
The creator of an Octopus board can now grant permissions based on three user roles:
- Administrator
- Collaborator
- Visitor
For more information on boards and permissions, see TheOctopus Boards article.
Those who have already created boards and shared the link will need to quickly give permissions to people who need to view and edit them.
We invite people you to quickly give permissions with the button:
Design board.

Version 4.2.600
Attached Files | The Section Now Includes the Ones from the Forms
The attached file section now shows the files that were added to the form in addition to those in the request.
Version 4.2.590
Forms | Easier to Modify and Save Forms
We can now easily see the sections of a form that are available for modification with the Click to modify tooltip. In addition it is now possible to make changes to several sections of a form before saving.
Version 4.2.580
Users | Better Display of Accurate Results
For more convenience when searching for a user, for example in the requester field, we now find the exact search results at the top of the list.
Version 4.2.570
Navigation | Behaviour When You Go Back With the Browser
Going back with the browser has the following behaviour:
- When coming from a list, it repositions itself in the original page number on the record accessed or selected.
- When coming from a list and the requested page no longer exists, it positions itself on the first page.
- When coming from a list and the record accessed no longer exists on this page, it positions itself on the item before or after the one that is no longer there.
Version 4.2.550
Shortcuts | Two New Ones to Hide the Left Section and Quickly Access the Search Field
ALT + L is a new shortcut to hide or show the left section of the screen.

Using F3 positions the cursor in the Octopus search field when it is visible.
If the search field is not visible, then the F3 key does what the browser does by default for that key. For example, in chrome, it displays the search window.
Notifications | Available and Improved
Notifications are now available in Octopus 5. You will find them under the button at the top of the screen.
Note that the popup notification no longer exists under Octopus 5, however, improvements have been made:
- Even after you've read a notification, it is still available in the Read tab.
- It is possible to create a reminder on a notification.
- We can see the upcoming reminder notifications.
Other elements are planned in future development, including configuration options.
The link from an email notification to Octopus 5 is not available by default for customers using the Windows version of Octopus.
If you wish to activate this link, contact us and ask for the Notification.EmailNotificationSender.OctopusWebLink.Enabled option.
Version 4.2.540
List Mode | Shows the Activity Section
The activities section is now visible in list mode, just as it is in card mode.
The ALT + P shortcut toggles between showing the activity panel and hiding it.
Incident/SR | Requests Can Now Be Printed
The print action is now available from an incident or service request. You can also use the CRTL + P shortcut to start the action.
It opens the request in full screen in another tab to print from the browser.
History | Now available
The history is now available for various types of requests as well as for CIs and users.
The information is grouped by users and a filter is used to target a particular type of modification.

Version 4.2.530
New Layout for the Subject and the Actions
A review of the layout of the action buttons and other elements at the top of the screen was done to provide more visibility to the important elements.

Version 4.2.520
Classify | A New Option for the Initial Processing of a request
In order to assist in the initial processing of a request, the Classify action, which combines the important fields to validate when a new request has been received, has been created.
See the ClassifyAction article or watch the short vidéo bellow to find out how it works.
Octopus Boards | New Concept to Organize Like Kanban
We use the Kanban method in the development of Octopus and we created a board to follow our work. When we started using it, we immediately thought that this concept could be very useful to our customers as well.
So we introduce a brand new concept with the first version of the Octopus Board that allows you to create a board in just a few steps and add the wanted Incidents and SRs.

Other features will follow, including the ability to add a card that is unrelated to a request. See the Explainer vidéo to find out how it works.
Lists | Custom Field Values Now Visible
Lists with columns that come from custom fields can now be used.
Version 4.2.510
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvement
This version does not contain any new visible features.
Version 4.2.500
Approval | Action Now Available to Approve or Refuse
You can now process an approval in Octopus 5 with an action.
Activity | Now Shows the Total Effort
We can now see the total effort of the activities that were done in a request at the top right.
Version 4.2.490
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvement
This version does not contain any new visible features.
Version 4.2.480
Attached Files | Can Now Be Deleted
It is now possible to delete attachments using the garbage can icon when you are in edit mode.
Version 4.2.470
Forms | Now shows the Card of a CI Type Field
A form with a CI type field now shows the equipment in card mode when it is selected or when the request is viewed.
AttachmentDownloader | To Keep a Copy of the Cloud Attachments
A new tool has been developed for customers whose attachments are in the cloud and who want to download a copy of the attachments locally.
For more information, see the AttachmentDownloaderApp| download a copy of the attachments article.
Version 4.2.460
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvement
This version does not contain any new visible features.
Version 4.2.450
Service Contracts | Information Now Available
It is now possible to see the service contracts and the CIs linked to them. You can also see if a CI is linked to a service contract from the incidents/SRs.
Modifications can also be done to basic elements.
Navigation | Using the Keyboard in List and Card Mode
The keyboard navigation is now available in list and card mode.
Use the up and down arrows to navigate. Use the Enter key to open a record.
In list mode, a selected line is distinguished by a gray background.
Version 4.2.440
Hosted Attachments | Now Available by Team
Using Octopus 5 requires the attachments to be hosted in the Cloud. But in some environments not all teams are ready for this. It is now possible to move teams individually to Cloud mode.
An authorization is required before proceeding. For more information, we invite you to complete the Octopus 5 (Web) and Mobile version for Octopus users request on our Web Portal.
Actions | New Action Added
It is now possible to use the Reopen action for an incident or a service request on a Resolved request.
Version 4.2.430
Lists | Card Mode Now Available for the Home Module
In order to standardize the view in Octopus 5, you can now choose to see the elements in the Home module in List Mode or Card Mode.
CI | Improved CI Selection in a Request
The selection of the CI in a request has been modified to reproduce the general behaviour of Octopus that suggests the user's CIs and allows the selection of software only through the computer for an incident.
Events | Shows Related Requests
The event record now displays requests related to this event.
Tooltips | For More Precision Through the Application
Tooltips have been added throughout Octopus 5 for additional precision on the various buttons, options and to display the request description.
Version 4.2.420
CI | Shows the Related CIs and Users
The detailed record of a CI now displays the other CIs linked to it as well as the users. <
Version 4.2.410
Utilisateur | Visualisation des CI reliés
La fiche détaillée d'un utilisateur affiche maintenant les CI liés à l'utilisateur. Dans une prochaine version, il sera possible de modifier les CI reliés à l'utilisateur.
Utilisateur | Historique des requêtes
La fiche détaillée d'un utilisateur affiche maintenant l'historique complet des requêtes de l'utilisateur.
Version 4.2.400
Task | Take Assignment
You can now use the Take assignment action in a task.
Activity | Confirmation When You Cancel Adding An Activity
To minimize the risk of accidentally losing an activity, the system will ask you to confirm when you cancel the entry with the Escape key.
Version 4.2.390 - 4.2.391
Interface | Now more intuitive
Some of you came to our offices to test Octopus 5.
We observed your reactions and saw where there was room for improvement.
So we made some changes to the interface:
- More intuitive icons
- More intuitive operation for sections in screens (where there was the eye icon)
- Editing of activities with a single click
- Simplified input of effort: simply enter 5 to indicate 5 minutes, without having to enter the full 00:00 format.
Events | Event Management
The basic features of event management are now available:
- Viewing and editing an event
- Modifying the status
- Adding them as favourites
This makes it possible to do "basic" event management without having to go into the Windows application.
Version 4.2.380
CI | Visualize and edit the attributes of a CI
Version 4.2.370
Attachments | Paste the Content of the Clipboard
You can use the CRTL+V keys to paste the content of your clipboard as an attachment to a record. A text or PNG file will be automatically created.
Please note that this option is not available with Internet Explorer or Edge.
Version 4.2.360
Lists | Sorting on columns now possible
It is now possible to change the sorting order of lists in Octopus 5.
Keyboard shortcuts | New shortcuts for Octopus 5
Octopus 5 has new shortcuts, here is the list of shortcuts available at the moment:
CTRL+S: Save
ESC: Cancel changes in progress
ALT+R: Refresh the data (without reloading the entire application asF5 does)
ALT+1 to ALT+9: Quick access to favourites
- F4: Create an incident
Go to the OctopusShortcut Keys page to see the complete list.
Sections | Simplified edition
We can now edit a section with a single click. You can also leave a section that is in edit mode to go to another section without having to cancel (unless changes have occurred).
Version 4.2.350 - Start of the trial
Forms| Supports the custom forms
Incident / SR creation is done using the forms from the SR and incident types.

Lists | Grouping in lists
The configuration and grouping of your lists are reflected in Octopus 5.
Note: The modification to sorting or grouping of lists must still be done through the Windows application for the moment.

Search | Quick search for incidents, SR, CI and users
Quick Search now works to search for Incident, SR, CI, and User data.
This feature will be improved in future releases to search for other data. But already one of the advantages is that the search is done on several modules at once.

Navigation History | New Concept
Octopus 5 now offers the ability to see your navigation history. The last 50 items that have been accessed are visible when you select the button.
In the advanced search of the Windows version of Octopus you can also see the last 300 elements that have been opened by various Octopus users in Octopus 5.
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