DataImporter - Import the configuration of the relationship between CI Types


Table of contents


This type of import helps to configure the CI Types. The CI Types must already be imported before proceeding to this type of import. 

Importing the possible relationships between CIs allows to add one or more relationship to the CIs in relation to the information that is important for a specific type.



Link to the articles related to the import of CI attributes and to the XML configuration file.

What you need to know:  

The reference template files (.xlsx and .xml) to prepare imports are included in the file.

Available fields for relationship between CI Types

Required Fields

  • Source Type – Text(125)
    • The CI type must already exist.
  • Target CI Type – Text(125)
    • The CI type must already exist.

  • Relation Type – Text(125)
    • The relationship must already exist.

    • The direction of the relationship will always go from the source to the destination, so make sure to select the right direction.

Optional Fields

  • Required for operating - Boolean
    • Accepted values are: 1 or 0, True or False, Yes or No
    • If this field is not completed, the default value is no
  • Cost Distribution - Boolean
    • Accepted values are: 1 or 0, True or False, Yes or No

    • If this field is not completed, the default value is no

  • Composition - Boolean
    • Accepted values are: 1 or 0, True or False, Yes or No

    • If this field is not completed, the default value is no

Configuration file content

The declaration of the source is done by indicating the ConfigurationItemRelationshipType value in the <Content> tag.

ATTENTION : The XML file used as this example is for an import done from Excel 2007 or 2010.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Source Name="ImportCIRelationships">
<ConnectionString>Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\Import\ConfigCIType_EN.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES";</ConnectionString>
<ViewName>[Import Relationship Config$]</ViewName>

<!-- Additional tags -->

Refer to the XMLConfiguration File article that explains how to program references to the data sources.

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