What are the features of Octopus?
What are the key concepts?
This article explains how to manage two (or more) Octopus installations on the same computer. This procedure is required if the same PC will be used to access two distinct Octopus environments.
The Web Portal and WebTech are adapted in order to make them work on tablets and smart phones. See the wiki article
A native version for smart phones is in progress.
To view the timesheet of another assignee, you must go to :
Menu: File, Reports and Statistics, and then choose: Activity Timesheet.
The partial or complete contents of a result list can be exported in Excel format.
These rules in place only concern Incident and SR. Tasks and their activies are not considered to mark request unread (in bold). When a new activity, like an email communication for example, is added to an Incident or SR, it will appear in bold.
Go to Tools > Reference data management.
Open the General > Teams nodes.
Select the required team and lookup the number in the Team # field.
When you export a list of data into Excel and that list contains the column Total work, you have to modify the formatting of the cell to be able to perform calculations.
To search for incidents/SRs that have been reopened
Here's an example of the advanced search criteria:
When the request is resolved and the user who is in Follow-up is part of the Group to which the request is assigned after the resolution, the user of the request becomes the one who is in Follow-up.