This article explains what the CAB is, how to constitute it, our recommendations and how it can be managed into Octopus.
As a bonus, we offer general advice on holding effective meetings!
The term service request is used as a generic description for many different types of demands that are placed upon the IT organization by the users. Many of these are typically requests for small changes that are low risk, frequently performed, low cost, and with predefined steps (e.g....
This article presents main the main concepts related to the Service Asset and Configuration Management process of ITIL® framework.
ITIL recommends that an incident priority is derived from the Impact and the Urgency, based on the context of an organization. Octopus can derive automatically an incident priority by selecting the impact and urgency of a incident.
Incident Management process ensures that normal service operation is restored as quickly as possible and the business impact is minimized. This article explain basic principles about this process, according to ITIL®.
Event Management is an ITIL® process that is part of the Service Operation phase. This article présents basic concepts about this process.
Problem Management is the process that is responsible for managing the lifecycle of all problems. The objectives of the Problem Management are to prevent problems and resulting incidents from happening, eliminate recurring incidents and minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented.
ITIL® is a set of best-practice publications for IT service management. It gives guidance on the provision of quality IT services and the processes, functions and other capabilities needed to support them. This article presents basic ITIL® terms used in Octopus.
Incident - Diagram of status
Wiki article illustrating the different status of an incident: New, Assigned, In Process, Pending, Suspended, Resolved and Closed.
Many IT organizations want to become more efficient to improve the IT service to users. The operation mode of IT teams is revised, procedures and roles change, methods are challenged and ... resistance to change is encountered.